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Let's Go On a Journey!

There is a family friend of ours who loves to go kayaking, and she gave me the names of a couple of people that she knows who have kayaked on the Susquehanna River. I hope to get in contact with them to discuss what the layout of the river is like and how they planned for their trip. Just from driving along the river, I know that there are sometimes several islands and rocky outcrops.

The best time to go kayaking would be in the spring because the river will be a little faster due to melting snow and spring rain! I am looking to go on the trip around the end of May, early June. Another reason why going in the spring will be nice is because the weather shouldn't be to stinking hot! However, since I am planning on going in the spring, the water will probably be really freezing, which I have to take into account with the gear that I bring.

I have also decided that I would like to have a partner for this trip and possibly have someone follow (if not for the whole time, maybe for the beginning or end of the journey to pick us up). Having a partner is a better move when considering safety, however the amount of equipment that we have to carry is doubled.

Below is a photograph from when I was in Scotland with a few friends; getting ready for a hike and kayaking later!

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